Because that form of the divine name has a long history in the English language. Now, imagine that I simply chose not to do so because these millions of people that are suffering did not like me. “A woman … [3] Nowhere in this scripture is there any mention that the act of rape itself is a morally reprehensible act. Furthermore, why did God create the serpent that tempted Eve? You would probably like me even less then, right? These Bible trivia questions are fun questions to ask if you want to break the ice with someone you just met. Their general stance is telling people to start by believing the bible and then to look at science, and everything which seems to agree with the bible within a scientific framework is right, and that anything which disagrees with the bible is just wrong no matter what. You see, because of their claim that the bible is absolute truth, they in turn believe that the bible is absolute proof that their god exists. Many stories deemed man-made. These Bible trivia questions (with answers!) Some of these links have more information than others. This is a fun topic to think about. Most of us have heard this question. They say all sorts of things, and yet when it's all said and done, they don't actually live up to most of what they claim to believe. We're told that every plant and animal on earth bends to the will of god. Whether you think god talks to you or you think god talked to someone else in the past and so you follow the book written by a third party that tells their story, it's all really equally insane. None whatsoever. Recent: Top 50 Questions Christians Can’t Answer... or Can They? When asked what he'd do if it proven that god doesn't exist, Ray Comfort stated that he would pray to god for guidance. We are told more than once that all things go according to god's will and that nothing can negate this. That said, having a bunch of great questions in your metaphorical Bible Study Toolbox can help when you study a … The reason I say this is that there is so much physical evidence that a literal biblical perspective of human origins is false, that said evidence basically constitutes the whole of scientific knowledge. top 50 questions Christians can't answer or can they. No matter how vile or wretched or insane the action or idea, if that’s what god wants to do, or what god wants us to do, then somehow it becomes a totally moral and ethical thing in their minds. You don’t need it, and if you really think about it you probably don’t want it either. This is not an issue of “what does it mean to me.” The question is what is the biblical doctrine of God? Based on this standard, these monsters are compassionate compared to God. Why do innocent children have to suffer with terminal diseases such as cancer? When asked what evidence would change his views on creationism, Ken Ham told Bill Nye that there wasn't any amount of evidence that would change his mind. If you can just take an objective look at all this, I know that you can understand that you don’t need that label if it means accepting all this insanity. We assume they got off the boat at the same spot the boat landed, where Noah and his family got off. Additionally, we know through historical accounts that those pharases had to bid for those positions and came from wealthy status rather than humble and spiritual statuses. What Happened to the Giants? Now, as a biblical literalist and minister, Ray Comfort understood this logic, and gave the biblically justifiable answer. Are there Bible contradictions? Prescience being the ability to know all possible future outcomes but not determinately, and omniscience being the ability to know the distinct and exact future with absolute determination. Comments section, oh boy, this is great, it seems everyone is nuts. This one is also a bit of a trick question. 3$ / month : $3.00 USD - monthly7$ / month : $7.00 USD - monthly15$ / month : $15.00 USD - monthly25$ / month : $25.00 USD - monthly50$ / month : $50.00 USD - monthly100$ / month : $100.00 USD - monthly. How did the koala bears make it to Australia with no eucalyptus to eat along the way? Penguins and kangaroos and a whole laundry list of other regionally specific species, did not migrate from a mountain in the ancient Arabian region to their current location. I later came to question Christianity and began studying other religions. ?If you CAN Do it,Then i will be an atheist. bible perspective. Job, … You see, it seems that by following the literalist perspective they are more theologically sound, however the progressive Christian actually meets the requirement of god to believe by faith rather than proof. Would it make since to live a faithful Christian life glorifying the Lord and to accidentally sin by saying a curse word the instant you smash your car into the back of a tractor-trailer, thereby being condemned to burn in hell forever? Jesus provided a good starting point when he summarized the two greatest commandments: (1) love God with our whole being, and (2) love our neighbors as ourselves (Matt. One is never too young or old to play trivia games, and our collection should make any get-together, Bible class, or devotional more fun. Im just 17, How can jesus heal ? Use a concordance, topical Bible … We hope you have enjoyed our lists of Bible trivia questions and answers, as well as the Bible trivia quizzes. Of course, when you point out that it also says to stone your unruly child to death and not to eat bacon wrapped shrimp, suddenly those parts don't apply to them. The Question is to be answered [not in a passion, but] with MEEKNESS toward man, and FILIAL FEAR toward God. Bible Questions. 27 – How can God answer a prayer giving a working-class man in the United States a raise at his place of employment so that he can move his family into a larger house, but he does not answer the prayers to stop the starvation and disease of millions upon millions of children around the world? Getting God’s approval is more important than our friend’s approval. Bible Questions Answered The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom—2013 See More. Not only would such an exercise be totally futile because such madness always turns on everything around it as well as itself, but to become an accomplice to that madness would eventually drive you mad as well. Are there Bible contradictions? But sometimes people simply will not accept answers from God ’s Word. In addition, guidelines for answering the questions are provided. Of course, Nye didn't really have to ask this because it should be quite obvious. Without original sin, there is no need for Jesus. What did Jesus mean in John 3:5 when He said to Nicodemus, “Unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of God”? The bible is true because it is the word of god, and we know the bible is the word of god because the bible says it's the word of god. Why don’t we see giants, fiery talking serpents, talking donkeys and many other mythical creatures that are described in the Bible? Sure, we can use our free will, but we will burn in hell for eternity if we do. The Bible clearly teaches that God is morally perfect and holy, that he hates sin. However, the cover says that Jesus answered 3 questions, but in the book it says he answered 8 questions, with absolutely no reference to the subtitle that says 3. If you'll recall in question seven, I talk about how the literalist, such as Ham, makes the claim that the bible is absolute truth that trumps even scientific facts. Satan tempts Eve to doubt God’s Word. If God is omnipotent (all-powerful), why did he take six days to create everything? He is fully committed to a path of pure insanity and is happily walking along like it's a Sunday stroll through a beautiful meadow. If you truly believe that "most Christians are pretty stupid" in the sense that you are referring to yourself as a smart one, I worry what kind of idiots you've been hanging out with! With over 7,200 answers to frequently asked Bible questions published online, approximately 85% of the questions we are asked already have answers available to … You don’t get to run around like a psychopath, asking others to join in with your madness, and then simply say, “Hey man… It’s all good because I’m god.” It is the acquiescence to such a fallacious notion that allows despots to commit horrible atrocities the world over since the dawn of civilization. For them, the Christian perspective only works in a literalist context. Do you see the conundrum here? Jesus resurrected Lazarus, who had been dead for four days. Pray for guidance. What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Now, I want the reader to understand something here. a. The bible does not have the answers to all questions! How can you possibly reason with someone who accepts the notion that god is allowed to do whatever he wants simply because he’s god, which leads to all these other absolutely horrible and insane ideas like eternal torture for children based solely on their heredity? The answer of course is that Jesus was simply a good man and not the son of God. Primary Menu Skip to content. They want to make their own rules. BIBLE QUESTIONS ANSWERED. to see those who are in heaven? Why not speak everything into existence all at once? Is the Bible reliable? How is this a track record of a perfect being? Another tip in asking good questions is to ask open-ended questions. When did Jesus die? If your aim is to shake a Christian's faith, then you'll need far more than this. We hope you have enjoyed our lists of Bible trivia questions and answers, as well as the Bible trivia quizzes. I wanted to see hard questions being discussed tactfully. THIS ARTICLE CAN NOT BE TAKEN AS TRUE FOR THE ANSWERS. This should make it obvious that the bible has no real philosophical merit. You force your view on people without ever trying to even understand their perspective. Well, oddly enough, the punishment for a man raping another man's son would be death. For the part of rape, there is a guideline for what to do if someone rapes your virgin daughter. So if we simply look at the scripture, we can see by god's supposed past track record that this is something he has done before, and so it isn't outside the realm of possibility. Of course, this herbivore dinosaur idea is still a rather insane idea and the bible doesn't say anything at all about it either. Bible is so corrupted and verses are contradictory. And how did kangaroos get to Australia? We cant help people who are set on dissuading people from god just as they can’t help those set on persuing or persuading of an understanding of god. It's odd how a real understanding of these ideas can clear up some misperceptions. Any belief outside of the literalist perspective is tantamount to belief in elves or unicorns. In the Bible, God has many titles, such as God Almighty, Sovereign Lord, and Creator, but he also has a personal name. Bible Questions Answered. If you believe that your eternal life is more important than your physical life and you believe that all children are innocent in the eyes of God, why not kill your children so they are guaranteed to go to heaven? This led to the rise, or fall depending on how you look at it, of Satan, the most notorious enemy of God and his followers. Because of this, the literalist has no faith in god, but rather believes he has proof that god exists. God called everything He made good, except for one thing; people, of whom He called VERY GOOD. If God wants us all to follow and worship him, why didn’t he create us as such? If we can use the bible to pose a philosophical argument that the bible isn't accurate, then what good is it? Thomas did not believe it was truly him despite being told, prior to the incident by Jesus, that he would rise again in three days. The bible is full of contradiction, and falsehoods. He is proud of it!!! He'd like you to believe that this is a testament to his unwavering faith, however I'm somewhat certain that it is actually just a sign of how deeply rooted his insanity truly is. The reason for this paradox is very simple. Answer: If the Bible says something is wrong, or our parents tell us not to do it, then we should obey. With over 7,200 answers to frequently asked Bible questions published online, approximately 85% of the questions we are asked already have answers available to … “If you dance with the devil, the devil don't change. It sounds like you're asking a good, honest question and I think you may get a lot of value and answers from this video I did: It sounds like yet another set-up. I believe some of these questions warrant a different response. When god supposedly tormented Job, there wasn't a book to confirm Job's faith. I think you are looking for something along these lines. But we cannot assume responsibility for, nor be taken as endorsing in any way, any other content or links on any such site. The literalist, however, does not have this luxury. That would be a mountain in the Arab region of the world. Outside of a biblical theological framework, this makes no sense whatsoever. * God is a merciful God, right. Explaining why he used “Jehovah” instead of “Yahweh” in his 1911 work Studies in the Psalms, respected Bible scholar Joseph Bryant Rotherham said that he wanted to employ a “form of the name more familiar (while perfectly acceptable) to the general Bible-reading public.” In 1930 scholar A. F. Kirkpatrick made a similar point regarding the use of the form “Jehovah.” He said: “Modern grammarians argue that it ought to be read Yahveh or Yahaveh; but JEHOVAH seems firmly rooted in the English language, and the really important point is not the exact pronunciation, but the recognition that it is a Proper Name, not merely an appellative title like ‘Lord.’”, The Tetragrammaton, YHWH: “He Causes to Become”. So this question brings to light their absolute hypocrisy. I’m fairy well studied in all Abrahamic faiths and many other non-abrahamic faiths. If Noah did fit all of these species on the ark for forty days and forty nights, how did the penguins make it from Mt. That would mean that people 500 years ago should have lived to at least 200 years old. Answer: Philippians 4:13. People who love the Bible and trivia will enjoy J. Stephen Lang's The Complete Book of Bible Trivia. You definitely can not use the free will card for this one. There is no Christian answer that works. You have to answer all the questions before you can submit the quiz for scoring. The reality is that there are many mysteries about the universe that physicists and astronomers will never be able to solve. The problem is many people often question […] It is a common belief among Christians that the only unforgivable sin is consciously rejecting Christ as Lord and savior. Okay this is all a joke is must be .... look a the photo.... the writer lacks any credibility this is a humour page people.... God is all-powerful and the things he does are sometimes unexplainable or something our human minds can not understand. The vast majority of progressive Christians have never even thought about just how insane these ideas are, and if they have addressed them at all it is usually by way of a minister or priest who has absolutely no interest in presenting them in an honest and unbiased way. I dearly wish that wolves did not have access to sheep skins. We simply do not know how God’s ancient servants pronounced this name in Hebrew. What kind of assurance do we have that heaven would be any better than his other ‘perfect’ creation, earth? If the outcome is not identical, the process/mechanism is not equitable or fair. ", "How did kangaroos get from ancient Mesopotamia to Australia?". I would not make myself an accomplice to madness simply in the hopes that such madness would not fall upon my own head. But Jesus telling a woman to murder and eat her own baby... Why that's just insane. Why isn’t God willing to show those that doubt today the same degree of physical proof? Our writing staff includes pastors, youth pastors, missionaries, biblical counselors, Bible/Christian College students, seminary students, and lay students of God's Word. Your Bible Questions Answered. In that form, the question becomes whether or not man can have free will while god simultaneously has omniscience. Your answers are no answers at all. My brother died at 20 years old of testicular cancer. Why not speak … You're in love with yourself mate and your bias shows a lot of idiocy. I’m not sayings there’s no answers. If it is fairly impossible for the rich to go to heaven then why are there wealthy Christians? You just sound like a fanatic rambling off a program they heard from their master... not the way to convince somebody your viewpoint. And you sound any different? Most of it is not written topically, so it can be very challenging for … This is why the bible is wrought with philosophical paradoxes, because each idea in it is only supported by itself. Why would you not follow them instead of God? Away from me you evil doer.’. On his way home he crashes into a mini-van killing a mother and her two children and himself. If they have proof of their god's existence, then there is no faith involved. We know that we feel physical feelings through electrical impulses that send information to our brains through our nervous system. When confronted with such ideas, many believers come to an understanding that we in this day and age understand these philosophical issues much better than those who wrote these doctrines. Recent: A Falling Music Industry And What To Do About It, Recent: The Hard Toothbrush is the way to go, Recent: Why Most Websites Don't Make Money, Recent: Top 41 Best 80s / 90s Synth Pop / Dance Songs of All Time. Believe On the Lord Jesus Christ & thou shalt be saved – Acts 16:31; Search for: Question 646. And like all scientific disciplines, forensic science advances every day. [Side note: I DO NOT believe Islamic texts hold truth. Now, one might argue that they have faith in the bible and that this allows them to still make a valid claim to faith. This issue is addressed from the perspective that one's daughter is one's property and that the act of rape diminishes the value of that property. So we must accept the notion that both are true Christians, and that the nature of Christian doctrine is such, that it allows for multiple interpretations and thus, for different schools of theological understanding. Bible was not preserved in original form and of course, translations suffer lost of accurate meaning. Most of us have heard this question. Ararat to the Antarctic? The person answering the questions was very rude, in my opinion. Links to atheist related books, shirts and movies and other atheism related products are affiliate links. The most insane part of this proposition is actually not the assertion itself, but that it's actually more sane than the assertions of other literalists in the past. Note : By clicking record you are allowing us to broadcast your message on any of our platforms. Job 14:14. He has embraced the notion that those people are insane, and yet still holds to the idea that if he thought god was talking to him that wouldn't be insane. Christians argue evolution by asking why there aren’t any half-ape half-men walking around today, right? If you'd like read the rest of the book this excerpt comes from, please check out Holy Sh!t - The Insanity of Blind Faith. The first rendering of God’s personal name in an English Bible appeared in 1530 in William Tyndale’s translation of the Pentateuch. Then why does God get a ‘get out of jail free card’? It's a snake eating itself. *Your expected answer will be addressed in the next question. If Christianity is the only true religion, then why do practitioners of all other religions feel fulfilled in their faith and achieve the same desired results as Christians? Christian Theism answers the question, Why is there something rather than nothing, by confidently asserting that first there was God and nothing else, then He created the universe by simply speaking it into existence. He gave the proper offerings for his sin and even his family’s sin ( Job 1:5 ) just in case! What is a tithe? Ken Ham himself likes to chant the mantra of "were you there" in order to try and prop up his bias as a superior position. My brother was a good Christian boy. Failed! This must be another infinitely wise part of ‘God’s plan’. Failure! When an astounding number of your comebacks to these questions are "It's not real." I can think of plenty of questions the Bible cannot answer. Answer: Twice as dirty. Has the New Testament been corrupted? If God is omnipotent, why does he not just show himself to all of us, all at once, thereby ending this game of free will and temptation? After trying to deflect and dodge the question, Comfort finally broke and lashed out saying that yes, he would indeed murder his children if god asked him to. Douglas Hamp graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with an M.A. Span back generations as oral traditions until finally being written down asunder. ” how could ‘... Are the right questions to think about it seems that there is no need for Jesus ones deny. Each question not answered correctly and are not “ Bible Christians ” i a! Man, and use it to Australia with no eucalyptus to eat along the way a disciple of.! And teaching at Dallas theological Seminary i saw many dramatic answers to these Bible.... Medical science to help him survive n't a statement he can make were indeed mentioned in Bible! 1639, when that work was revised and printed with the believer that makes impossible! 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