Do Not Sell My Personal Information. * Peter Quinn: Let’s face it, he is the only one to survive the Gettysburg massacre intact. He uses Brody unmercifully and also, even worse, Carrie. ADIEU, NAZ… I agree about the's fascinating how enjoyable the show can be, despite the amount of scenarios where I'm thinking "but why would that happen, couldn't they just...". The handstabbing thing is so over-the-top for a professional, makes me wonder who’s he trying to impress? 43,781, This story has been shared 28,670 times. Natalie Portman steps out with seeming baby bump in Sydney, Madison LeCroy accused of sleeping around on ‘Southern Charm’ reunion, Kathryn Dennis hasn’t met Thomas Ravenel’s new son, © 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Angelina Jolie selling off multimillion-dollar gift from Brad Pitt, 10 golf gifts your valentine will love that are on sale now, The best Valentine's Day gifts for your loved ones, Stay safe this winter with these high-grade foldable masks, Coach gifts free fragrance or card case with select purchases, The 12 best wine delivery services you can order online in 2021. Long answer: My frustration with homeland has always been how plot holes and loose ends are swept under the rug and quietly ignored. (No, conspiracy theorists, that's not Arabic and Saul is not a secret Muslim, though I suppose there's still a chance he could be the so-called mole.) Saul Michael Berenson is Carrie Mathison's mentor and to some extent, protector at the CIA. She has a theory that Saul is the mole. I will always stand by a peculiar interpretation of Seasons 1--3, even in defiance of what the writer/producers say about backstory on the DVDs. UNUSUAL SUSPECTS: Fans are trying to figure out which one of these CIA operatives is feeding Abu Nazir. The "Homeland" series finale pushes Carrie and Saul's ideological differences to a breaking point, before arguing America needs them both. * Carrie Mathison: Nah. The writers of Homeland have been building to “Sock Puppets” for some time. It was at that point that I became convinced--and have yet to find anything in Seasons 3--5 to persuade me I'm wrong--Saul is the only person who could be the mole. A good Samaritan brings Quinn into mixed company. Homeland. Compare this to the latest season of house of cards, where there is so much linkage to plots and ghosts from seasons past. I'm re-watching Season 1 for the innumerable time because I got a relative interested in "Homeland." So the real ticking time bomb of “Homeland”isn’t the triple agent Brody — but the identity of who’s been er, mucking up (we’re a family newspaper here!) His wife is disgusted with him, his daughter has turned to Mike, his son is, well, no one knows because he’s like every little brother on every show — the forgotten kid. Sopranos made an art of doing this, whereas most shows just use it as an excuse for not committing. And whatever happened to his wife? Oriole 50m. He just sits back, let her be electro-shocked, shot at by Hezbollah goons as she scoops up the backpack that will lead to her lover's doom--and then drops her back home to teach E.S.L. This story has been shared 53,237 times. Homeland is pretty borderline after having eight episodes of this stuff, but in this sense The Litvinov Ruse does move the plot a fair amount forward, another criticism of … Just lucky? Watch Homeland: The fifth season of the American television drama series Homeland premiered on October 4, 2015, and concluded on December 20, 2015, on Showtime, consisting of 12 episodes. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. Saul’s and Carrie’s mutual trust is back, and that has always been one of Homeland’s secret spices. The is some revisionism as regards Saul. The politics of Homeland's never-seen President are never introduced. The book surrounds Carrie on a mission to uncover a mole and touches upon Brody's incarceration under Abu Nazir and his subsequent feelings towards Nazir's son and the American administration. I totally disagree because, for one thing, nobody would want to jeopardize the best government gig in the world for no good reason. And it's not a bad theory, especially as the show becomes increasingly "24"-ish. Binge-watchers aren't concerned with cohesion, only suspense. Watching the first episodes of Season 2--which I consider Homeland's best--and watching the Saul-intensive scenes, my conviction he's the mole only grows. every mission. I didn't start watching Homeland until this past September, but then I binge-watched faster than I ever have before with any series. With Claire Danes, Mandy Patinkin, Damian Lewis, Rupert Friend. Privacy Notice With all the above I believe it is clear that Saul cannot possibly be the mole. (FYI: Bobo was one of the most traded player in baseball history — 16 times!). * Saul Berenson: Seems to be the odds-on favorite. But in my heart? Nobody trusts Brody, everybody seems to be onto him (except the hard right wingers who want him on the presidential ticket). ). Only a fool — or traitor — would want a bipolar, self-medicating, promiscuous spy in there with Brody. He has no trouble whatever dismissing Carrie as "troubled" whenever it suits him, yet he consistently profits from her risk-taking. While I'm happy to suspend disbelief and immerse myself into what is obviously a fictional parallel universe based on the real world, I don't appreciate the convenient amnesia and glossing over of inconvenient subplots. Following her resignation at the end of the season, he is also removed from his government position. Frankly, Brody’s become nothing but a no-good cry baby who gets on my nerves now. The only "salvation" would be if Saul were revealed as a mole, which Season 5 came extremely close to stating outright. 28,670, © 2021 NYP Holdings, Inc. All Rights Reserved TLDR: There are no moles in Homeland, just plot holes. When a special operation meant to capture him fails, she and her boss Saul Berenson become convinced there is a leak within the CIA. Follow @adambvary NEXT PAGE: The CIA mole … However she does manage to screw up everything in her wake, which is good for the other side. (So it's not as if Saul, should he be the mole, would have been after either a wholesale slaughter of highly placed personnel in the bunker, had Brody's vest ever really have been intended by Abu Nazir to go off--which I don't think the vest was intended to do. David Arthur Estes (1968– December 12, 2012) was Carrie Mathison's boss at the National Counterterrorism Center of the Central Intelligence Agency, until he was killed in a terrorist attack at CIA headquarters. 2011 16+ 8 Seasons TV Thrillers. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. There's no clue to what extent the mole's (or Saul's) treason would have been explained by hatred of him...even though Walden is the hawk and describes the never-seen president as "running out his term." This would drive the sanest employee of any international enterprise of any kind totally nuts. This makes Saul crazier than Carrie, yes. I will always stand by a peculiar interpretation of Seasons 1--3, even in defiance of what the writer/producers say about backstory on the DVDs. Brody has played for so many teams, he’s become the Bobo Newsom of the terrorist world. In Episode 10, "Representative Brody," after the municipal park explosion, Estes grills Saul about who can be behind the 1) slipping of the razor to Hamid; 2) tipping off Aileen about her and her husband's cover being blown; and 3) tipping off Walker to the fact that the Saudi diplomat arranged the meeting to secure Walker's arrest. (Unless, of course, he is). And as Dar Adhul said "Still afraid of getting your hands dirty Saul". The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Jodie Foster? For one thing, he trusts crazy Carrie with everything even though she’s constantly putting everyone in danger and is incapable of following the simplest orders. Oh, right, Gen. BETRAYus. My money? I'm re-watching Season 1 for the innumerable time because I got a relative interested in "Homeland." SAUL’S GAME: A HOMELAND NOVEL is the second in a series of prequel novels for the Showtime television series. In this outing Andrew Kaplan has CIA’s Carrie Mathison on the hunt for the terrorist Abu Nazir. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The only one who really cares about Brody is Carrie, and she’s got issues. So... Will the identity of the mole ever be revealed? When it comes to the question this time around, however, we are referring to a show that is near and dear to the hearts of many at this given moment: … Your Ad Choices I know which two characters were the focal point of S1 and S2 and neither of their names are Saul. Quote often the problem with these mole plots is how longer can you have the mole not be known before the audience just gets irritated. Realizing there's a mole and he's being surveilled, Saul orders a sweep of the Berlin CIA building. Back in Virginia, Saul is standing amid dozens, maybe hundreds, of bodies in a vast holding room and reciting Kaddish, the Jewish prayer of mourning. During Season 3 he also filled the role of Acting Director of the organization. If anybody deserves a Brody-style beatdown, it’s that creep. 53,237, This story has been shared 43,781 times. Too crazy. • Why did Saul fail his own polygraph test if he isn't the mole? Episode 11, "The Vest," opens with some minor agent from the FBI doing a walk-and-talk with Estes about the mole; and there, the matter drops. That said, I don't think this is a plothole, it's just an unfinished plot line they haven't answered yet, and may have dropped entirely. Dramatic video reveals snow shoveling dispute that turned deadly, How Lisa Guerrero overcame suicidal thoughts after 'MNF' humiliation, 'Fake Famous': The sneaky tricks influencers use to get followers, Jeff Bezos' $500M real estate portfolio: See all his luxury houses, Inside Rob Gronkowski's insane Miami apartment. I had so many questions, very similar to yours after watching season 1 and I even posted on this sub asking for clarifications but didn't get anything satisfactory. UNUSUAL SUSPECTS: Fans are trying to figure out which one of these CIA operatives is feeding Abu Nazir. Also, Saul being a power-hungry CIA officer is completely out of character and however much he possibly hates Estes he is not the type that would kill hundreds of CIA agents just to rise in power. The cumulative effect of inattention to detail is repetitiveness, and every character on the show has become repetitive. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I know lots of people over the years have theorized that Saul is the mole. It’s on Saul because I don’t get the whole wife-in-Mumbai thing. (Unless, of course, he is). If she isn’t the mole then Abu Nazir should have his HR people contact her immediately and begin recruitment negotiations to insure that the CIA continues to be in constant turmoil. * David Estes: The director is on some lists as the man, the messenger, the mole. Yevgeny told the officer that she must murder her mentor Saul Berenson (Mandy Patinkin) or … I'm paraphrasing here, but Saul says something to the affect: "Simple, there's a mole in one of sixteen agencies.". Saul keeps pushing Carrie into CIA work, perhaps for his own purposes? After eight seasons, Saul and Carrie face off in the series finale of Homeland, courtesy of Showtime. Thank you! Subreddit for the award winning psychological and political thriller Showtime series, "Homeland". Last time we saw her, she was on her way to the airport in a cab being driven by who-knows-who. ( We've received your submission. Clues provided in the first two seasons did/do point to Saul being the mole. But once again, we need to single out Miranda Otto for her phenomenal work. Thanks for contacting us. Sitemap There is a mole the size of a Hummer in their midst, and they don’t seem to be as concerned as they should be — or laser-focused on finding him. There was speculation in the first two series that Saul might have been the CIA mole, passing on vital information to Abu Nazir’s people. When Allison tries to get Saul to talk, she learns some disturbing news. We’re well into the second season of “Homeland,” and still there is only one thing that we know for sure: The only person who can’t be the mole is the man from the hole — Nick Brody. To obtain the recorder, Carrie is forced to make a deal with Yevgeny Gromov (Costa Ronin). The sadness and sense of defeat is overwhelming. Homeland stars Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison, a CIA operations officer. Many guess Saul is the mole in the CIA upper ranks that has been hinted at since the first season. Similarly, a mole, or Saul, would not have to be guilty of abetting the eventual mass slaughter that takes place at the end of Season 2). Created by Alex Gansa, Howard Gordon. A bipolar CIA operative becomes convinced a prisoner of war has been turned by al-Qaeda and is planning to carry out a terrorist attack on American soil. It also explains their co-morbidity...or apparent co-morbidity. The Identity of the Mole in Season 1. Usually when we ask the question mentioned both here and in the article’s title, we are referring to one of the most-underrated reality shows of all time in “The Mole,” which (for those curious) still has a life of its own going on in Australia years after its American debut. The documents lead Carrie to an asset in Amsterdam. Or her. At the climax of Season 2 comes Saul's extreme and multiple about-faces in regard to Brody (Saul claims Brody's a fucking terrorist to Quinn, then pleads Brody's case as damaged goods and someone who can be of use to the CIA after his arrest--does another about-face to Carrie, whom he realizes by that point is in love with the guy--and does yet another spin on Brody to his male colleagues and Dar Adal). Hmm. (a) Saul & Carrie outsmart Yevgeny, and save the world without betraying the Russian Mole. The mole, or Saul, would just have to be sufficiently megalomaniac to believe he knew best how to use Abu Nazir either to U.S. advantage alone, or to the advantage of the U.S. and some amorphous ally, presumably Israel. Since the writer/producers must know that the unanswered question is still out there, and that lots of people believe the mole is Saul: is it just sloppy writing that no identification was ever made? Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Your California Privacy Rights Saul’s mole was introduced in the penultimate episode, “The English Teacher.”. down-vote away. 7. Yet she also secretly sends Saul information from abroad, thus replacing the mole she betrayed. None of that is enough to make him a suspect, but he does have fantastic cheekbones. He showed up late to the operation with full knowledge of every aspect. I really wish it could be VP Walden. Terms of Use There are no throwaway incidents or characters, everyone and everything from all seasons end up tangled in the Underwood's web of deceit. We’re well into the second season of “ Homeland, ” and still there is only one thing that we know for sure: The only person who can’t be the mole is the man from the hole — Nick Brody. Until Carrie's meltdown at the end of Season 1, neither Saul nor anyone else in the agency suspects Walker's target is other than "Marine 1," a sniper's "mile" from Aileen's home. I am glad I am not the only one who is fed up with the loose ends and plot holes. Your California Privacy Rights But I’m betting on him. In Episode 10, "Representative Brody," after the municipal park explosion, Estes grills Saul about who can be behind the 1) slipping of the razor to Hamid; 2) tipping off Aileen about her and her husband's … As of Season 7, he holds the position of National Security advisor to President Elizabeth Keane. After the end of the Brody storyline (season 2), there were no instances of the writers clarifying events from a previous season (do correct me if I'm wrong, its been a while). While some of you can’t imagine Homeland without Brody, I can’t imagine it without Saul and his simultaneous grizzled wisdom and stubborn idealism. The mole, or Saul, profits big-time from Carrie's genius discovery...but at a point too late to do anything about--well, about whatever may be in the works. This week on Showtime’s Homeland, Brody resurfaced after his unexpected tete-a-tete with Abu Nazir, Jessica fell back into an old habit and one CIA staffer was seen in a new light. A Brody-style beatdown, it ’ s GAME: a Homeland NOVEL is mole. Cohesion, only suspense Homeland NOVEL is the mole ends are swept under the rug and ignored., Mandy Patinkin, Damian Lewis, Rupert Friend clues provided in the penultimate episode, “ English... First two seasons did/do point to Saul being the mole ideological differences to a point. For some time advisor to President Elizabeth Keane award winning psychological and political thriller Showtime series ``... Was not sent - check your email addresses 3 he also filled the role of Acting Director of Berlin. I don ’ t get the whole wife-in-Mumbai thing Estes: the CIA pushing Carrie into CIA,... Deserves a Brody-style beatdown, it ’ s mutual trust is back, and that has always been one the., Carrie is forced to make him a suspect, but then I faster. 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