We perform simulations in a circular tube of 50 μm diameter and 350 μm length representing a venule. At higher and intermediate shear rates, the energy landscape still remains unchanged. The elderly also may experience a normal physiologic activation of platelets compared to younger persons 14). Numerical models have been developed to study platelet activation, adhesion, and aggregation in both physiological and pathological conditions [17, 24–30]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. The net force acting on each platelet Fn is written by Our initial numerical observations based on the kinetic rates taken from Anand et al. Normal platelets do not interact with the healthy artery wall. for the whole blood flowing on a surface patch coated with TF [34]. Vasc Med. where A′ = 3 × 10−8 nM is the ADP content for each platelet [39], and is the time at which platelet n becomes activated. Kamada et al. The use and duration of anticoagulation or antiplatelet therapy depend on a careful assessment of these factors. Thrombolytic therapy is another option for clot dissolution. Our numerical values for exponential growth rates are close to the results in Pivkin et al. The effect of the platelets on the flow field is incorporated into the body force term f (x, t) in the Navier-Stokes Eq (1). The cause of thrombosis is multifactorial. We define an activation function ω(x, t) = [IIa]/[IIa]thr + [ADP]/[ADP]thr + [TxA2]/[TxA2]thr, where the subscript “thr” corresponds to the threshold concentration that activates the platelets. Further, [TF-VIIa]W is prescribed at the wall as a decreasing cubic function of fibrin concentration given the fact that fibrin deposition leads to fewer subendothelium binding sites available for the complex. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005291.s004. Thrombus formation starts in response to injury, activating the hemostatic process. cate that PDI is required in vivo in mice for both fibrin generation and platelet thrombus formation. Here, the activation delay time is τact = 0 s. (d) and (h) Wall shear rate contours plotted on the opposite wall of the arc for the simulations with undisturbed wall shear rate values of 15,000 and 28,000 s−1, respectively. Signs and symptoms of a pulmonary embolism include: A common complication that can occur after deep vein thrombosis is known as postphlebitic syndrome, also called postthrombotic syndrome. Eventually, the cut blood vessel heals and the blood clot dissolves after a few days. where u, p, and μ are the flow velocity, pressure and blood viscosity, respectively, and Fn in Eq (3) is the force due to particle n (discussed later). [18], where both the extrinsic or TF pathway and intrinsic or contact pathway are considered. PLoS Comput Biol 13(1): The transport velocity of a platelet moving close to the vessel wall is proportional to meaning that at low shear rates the change in the inter-particle distance r within a time interval Δt is small. Both are usually well tolerated. (8) (a) View normal to the flow direction, and (b) view from above. 12) speculated that these two types of thrombosis are triggered by the same biological stimuli that activate coagulation and inflammatory pathways. Therefore, the role of heterogeneous coagulation reactions on the surface of adhered platelets would become more crucial to the progression of thrombosis, and must be included in future numerical models. First, we consider venous thrombus formation and growth similar to the in vivo experiment of Begent and Born [19]. Virchow’s triad describes the pathogenesis of thrombus formation. Numerous models are proposed for the systems biology of coagulation cascade among which the Kuharsky and Fogelson [16] is considered the most comprehensive one as it takes into account plasma-phase, subendothelial-bound and platelet-bound enzymes and zymogens. We plot snapshots of platelets aggregated in the channel at different occlusion levels in Fig 6. The undetermined parameter De, which mainly controls the magnitude of the platelet interaction forces, is determined from experimentally measured thrombus formation and growth under different hemodynamic conditions. Author Summary Hemostasis (thrombus formation) is the normal physiological response that prevents significant blood loss after vascular injury. Normally, thrombi (thrombus plural) or blood clots only occur when you bleed. Significance and Risk Factors for Intraprosthetic Mural Thrombus in Abdominal Aortic Endografts: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. It should be noted that in the in vitro experiments for platelet aggregation, platelets can bind directly to the collagen or vWF-coated surfaces without activation. The thrombotic process was antagonized by thrombin inhibition, or by blocking of collagen or adenosine diphosphate receptor pathways. As noted, arterial thrombosis can present as an acute stroke, myocardial infarction, or as acute on chronic peripheral arterial disease. We tested our shear-dependent model against their results, and can achieve similar trends and threshold shear rates at which occlusion occurs. Deep vein thrombosis treatment options include: Once you receive treatment for deep vein thrombosis (DVT), you need to watch your diet and watch for signs of excessive bleeding, as well as take steps to prevent another DVT. (c) Exponential growth rates derived from simulations for three different conditions: platelet concentration taken as 500,000mm−3 (−△−); increased size of injury to 60μm (−▽−); and the inclusion of shear-induced platelet’s drift according to Eq (6) (−○−). Platelet adhesion. The use of in vivo models of thrombosis, as well as sophisticated methodology to measure platelet signalling and thrombus formation under flow, are important technical developments towards this aim. For example, platelets and reactants flow into an AAA and initiate intraluminal thrombus at specific locations in the aneurysm bulge [20, 21]. We also find that upon increasing the shear rate from 15,000 to 28,000 s−1, parts of the formed aggregate mostly on the outer edge of thrombus start to detach as the shear forces increase dramatically and overcome adhesive forces (see Fig 8d–8f). The contours clearly show the elevated shear rates on the thrombus surface upon increasing blood velocity, which lead to disaggregation at higher blood velocities. Exposure of blood to the subendothelial space initiates two processes: changes in platelets, and the exposure of subendothelial tissue factor to plasma factor VII, which ultimately leads to cross-linked fibrin formation. (b), (c) and (d) Concentration profiles of thrombin ([IIa]), fibrin ([Ia]) and [ADP], respectively, at three axial positions on the site of injury: x = 157 μm (−−), x = 177 μm (− ⋅ −) and x = 193 μm (—). Initial and intermediate-term treatment of the phantom thrombus (primary non-occlusive mural thrombus on normal arteries). Further, we include the biochemistry of coagulation cascade, which is essential to modeling thrombus formation, and couple that to our platelet aggregation model. Assuming that the same correlation exists with respect to the fibrin concentration [Ia], we write k as The resulting clots can form under different flow conditions in the veins as well as the arteries. Mural thrombus can be incidentally detected lying in walls of the aorta in an asymptomatic patient. Thrombosis occurs when blood clots block veins or arteries. Semin. Embolization to the brain can lead to stroke. By adjusting the interaction forces between the platelet particles, we were able to reproduce the dependence of the growth rate on blood velocity reported in [19]. In the first column (Fig 6a–6c) we present results where the adhesive forces are increased uniformly (through ), irrespective of the local shear rate magnitude. Thrombin activates platelets and creates fibrin monomers that polymerize into a fibrous gel that stabilizes the clot. 2017 Nov;34(11):1738-1739, Eren N, Gungor O, Kocyigit I, Guzel FB, Erken E, Altunoren O, Tatar E, Eroglu E, Senel E, Kaya B, Paydaş S, Onan B, Sahin S, Yilmaz M, Ulu S, Gursu M, Ozkok A, Yildiz A, Kurultak I, Ucar AR, Tanrisev M, Turgutalp K, Turan MN, Huzmeli C, Soypacaci Z, Akdam H, Huddam B, Adibelli Z, Kara E, Inci A, Turkmen E, Tekce H, Dogukan A, Turkmen A. In other words, it is paramount to determine whether the thrombosis was likely provoked or unprovoked, as each has management implications. 2008 Feb 21;451(7181):914-8. The model has the advantage of predicting thrombus occlusion time with no significant computational cost using a well-trained model by data extracted from different experiments. Similarly, Tosenberger et al. A zero-flux boundary condition is imposed for most reactants in the ADR equations except for a few reactants (factors IX/IXa and X/Xa) to initiate the coagulation, which is in the form: −Di∂ci/∂n = Bi, where n is the unit normal on the boundary and Bi is the related surface reaction. As introduced above, platelet adhesion and aggregation in blood flow at low shear rates (< 1,000 s−1) may stimulate multiple ligand-receptor interactions, depending on the exposed ECM proteins (but is not strongly dependent on GPIb-vWF binding). Green particles represent the seeded platelets at the site of injury, whereas blue and red particles are passive and activated platelets, respectively. As such, many of these case- or disease-specific details and management aspects are beyond the scope of this review article. In certain clinical circumstances, patients can be at increased risk of thrombosis and bleeding simultaneously (e.g., disseminated intravascular coagulopathy-DIC, or in patients with underlying malignancy who develop a coagulopathy). Then the goal becomes reducing your chances of deep vein thrombosis happening again. [18] showed negligible to no thrombin production. In the high-shear regime, we use the results reported by Westein et al. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005291.g009. To initiate and drive the coagulation, a spatially varied concentration level of subendothelium-bound TF-VIIa complex is prescribed at the site of injury. We find no occlusion when shear rate is less than 2,400 s−1, comparable to 1,500 s−1 reported in microfluidic experimental results of Li et al. As expected, the wall shear rate intensity increases by increasing the flow rate, thus leading to smaller thrombus size inside the stenosis in the case of 28,000 s−1. The blood clot is known as a thrombus. It is induced by trauma to the endothelium of blood vessels. Such intraluminal thrombus can affect the mechanical properties of the local vessel wall, leading to increased risk of aneurysm rupture [22]. [15] observed that platelet aggregation was predominately in the post-stenosis region and proposed that the aggregation of platelets was resulted from platelet tethering. Fresh platelets (red particles) are inserted at the inlet proportional to the local flow rate with a density of 300,000mm−3, and are removed from the system once they exit the channel. When you have a bleeding disorder, you’re unable to make strong clots quickly or at all. (a) Snapshots of platelet aggregation at different time instants superposed on the contours of thrombin ([IIa]). Surgical candidates include younger patients, those having a low risk of perioperative complications, those in whom conservative treatment is unsuccessful, and those who have a highly mobile thrombus with high embolic risk. (a) Schematic of the simulation setup with the seeded particles (green) placed circumferentially to represent the subendothelial matrix (150 − 200 μm). Thrombosis is the formation of a blood clot (partial or complete blockage) within vein or an artery even though you are not bleeding, limiting the natural flow of blood and resulting in clinical consequences. [14] made similar observations through both in vivo and in vitro experiments, and hypothesized that the enhanced interaction between vWF proteins and GPIb receptors due to elongational flows within the stenosis played the dominant role in initiating platelet adhesion and aggregation. Regardless of the molecular mechanisms that can cause such enhanced aggregation at the following edge of a stenosis, we are able to produce similar trends by introducing a platelet activation delay time parameter, τact. Note that, at a lower blood velocity 100 μm/s, aggregation occurs slowly due to the smaller number of platelets transported to the injured region. This results in a few reactions at the wall (represented by flux conditions) that form enzymes IXa and Xa that drive the TF pathway. Inherited forms are rare, but include examples such as antithrombin III deficiency, protein C and S deficiencies, factor V Leiden (activated protein C resistance), or prothrombin gene mutations (among many others). Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, United States of America, Affiliation Endothelial injury initiates the process. This model reproduced the experimental results in [19] and explored the effect of flow pulsatility on thrombus formation. [33] is wider than those of Westein et al., reaching as high as 13,000 s−1. Further, two activated platelets in our model can only form one bond with each other, whereas each one in the pair can form multiple bonds with the other platelets in its neighborhood, which may result in the distribution of hydrodynamic drag among several bonds. Thrombus formation is prevented by the use of heparin, which accelerates the action of antithrombin III in blocking the coagulation pathway, preventing the formation of a fibrin clot. To couple the porosity of fibrin network to the local flow field we introduce a Brinkman term in the form of − (μ/k) u to the right hand side of the NS Eq (1), where μ is the blood viscosity and k is permeability inside the fibrin network, and is considered to be locally varying with the concentration of fibrin. With the advent of acute reperfusion strategies, there has been a decline in prevalence. However, some studies have proven that there is a link between these two types of thrombosis. The role of intrinsic pathway on the propagation of coagulation under flow conditions is not quite known, but has been included here for the sake of completeness of the biochemical model (with the exception of factor XII). We propose a shear-dependent platelet adhesive model based on the Morse potential that is calibrated by existing in vivo and in vitro experimental data and can be used over a wide range of flow shear rates (). The effect of increasing the size of injury marginally affects the exponential growth rates, whereas the increase in platelet density increases the exponential growth rates more notably. [18], which has the advantage of including both TF and contact pathways in plasma. where [Ia]thr = 5,000 nM is the threshold concentration at the core of the clot causing the lowest clot permeability k = 8(10)−12 m2. The more you have, the greater your risk of DVT. After this time, there was presumed endothelization of the thrombus with a reduction in its embolic potential. The translation of basic research toward new strategies to prevent arterial thrombosis underscores much of the research in this area. Thus, there is a balance between the pathways that initiate thrombus formation and the pathways that regulate or modulate thrombus formation. [14] and plotted for comparison. A thrombus is a blood clot that occurs inside the vascular system. These tools are best for determining the location and extent of mural thrombus. Am. Printed number in each figure is the undisturbed maximum wall shear rates encountered in each stenosis (before aggregation occurs). The main difference between thrombus and embolus is that thrombus remains attached to the vessel wall [14] allowed model calibration at medium to high shear rates where the maximum wall shear rate at the apex reaches 8,000 s−1. The kinetic reactions of the coagulation cascade leading to the generation of thrombin and fibrin can be resolved by solving the related advection-diffusion-reaction (ADR) equations. When there is an imbalance with this physiologic process, there can be an increased risk of developing a thrombosis versus a coagulopathy (increased risk of bleeding) 9). Activated particles can form thrombus and adhere to the injured wall. No, Is the Subject Area "Blood" applicable to this article? 2018 Nov;50(11):2067-2072, Desouza N, Sood A, Baciewicz FA, Cardozo S. Traumatic Aortic Mural Thrombus Diagnosed Echocardiographically before Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair. The geometry consists of a straight tube of 50μm diameter and 300μm length as shown in Fig 3a. The various quantities reported in these experiments, such as thrombus shape and growth rate as well as platelet aggregate densities, enable us to tune our model for a wide range of shear rates. The adjusted interaction range implies that particles will not induce forces for distances r ⪆ 3d as shown in Fig 1. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005291.g010. thrombus formation in a deep vein, usually in the legs, that becomes concerning for its potential to lead to embolism in the heart (MI), lungs (pulmonary embolism) or brain (stroke). An extended version of this model was introduced by Leiderman and Kuharsky [17] to incorporate the spatial variations, represented by a system of partial and ordinary differential equations for the reactive transport of the chemical species. Further, it is known that permeability of the generated fibrin network in thrombi is an important factor determining the transport of blood proteins inside the thrombus [41]. from a microfluidic device with different degrees of stenosis. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005291.g001. Thrombosis occurs throughout our arterial system, especially in those with predisposing cardiovascular risk factors. A fixed value () for platelet’s adhesive forces is used (a-d); shear-dependent correlation in Eq (10) is used (e-h). When this happens, the blood flow is stopped by the embolus. Other thrombosis sites include superior vena cava thrombosis, jugular vein thrombosis, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, cavernous sinus thrombosis, retinal vein occlusion. Following Eq (10), De is calibrated as a function of λ2, the second invariant of the flow strain rate tensor, where defines the lower bound of the platelet’s adhesive force. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2019 Jan-. As noted, thrombosis occurs when there is an imbalance in endogenous anticoagulation and hemostasis through a complex pathophysiologic mechanism. The activation of the leucocytes and endothelial cells causes the formation of adhesion molecules which will eventually initiate clot formation 16). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005291.g004. (10) Funding: This work was supported by National Institute of Health Grant No. This article will also briefly review the management of venous thrombosis and thromboembolism. There could be a few reasons for this discrepancy, including the mismatch in the size of the injury site and the difference in normal platelet concentration between in vivo experiments and our simulations. The repulsive forces rise exponentially for inter-platelet distances less than r < d to prevent cellular overlap. Thus when evaluating any thrombosis, one must appreciate Virchow’s triad and carefully consider the various provoking risk factors that can predispose to thrombosis. (a) A typical example of the number of platelets aggregated in the thrombus vs. time, plotted in semi-log axes. Thrombosis: It refers to the process of formation of a blood clot in the non-interrupted cardio-vascular system. 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