If men saw what was meant by the outward type, then the conscience was appeased; but by the outward sign itself the conscience was never comforted, if it was a living and lowly conscience. Now comes the exhortation: “Call to remembrance the former days.” Some of you can “call to remembrance” the time when you joined the church, when you had to run the gauntlet for Christ’s sake. Went up to Calvary for me, “ But by faith he did it. We have a Friend at court; our Bridegroom is on the throne. Uncategorized. See also how faith laughs at impossibilities. Evidently he and they are well agreed. The fact that Christ is free from sin, is a circumstance which does not diminish the tenderness of his sympathy with us, but rather increases it. Spurgeon Commentary: Hebrews collects his thoughts on the epistle in a commentary format, including sermon illustrations and applications culled from his sermons and writings. She hath an Ark even when God’s wrath sweeps all the rest away. But think of Christ, who was a partaker of the Eternal Godhead, condescending to make himself a partaker of flesh and blood; — the Godhead linked with materialism; the Infinite, an infant; the Eternal prepared to die, and actually dying! It is for me not to ask the reason why, but to obey thy command.”. Those that were sprinkled with the blood of the Old Testament sacrifices did not feel that their sin was for ever put away. Oh, blessed result from a little smart and bitter. This may happen even in this world. Take heed lest sin hardens you before you are aware of it; even while you fancy that you have wiped it out by repentance, petrifaction will remain upon your heart “through the deceitfulness of sin.”. Click the title of a sermon to view or save the PDF. Upon this supposition, God’s utmost has been tried, and has failed. When in heaven I bow before him, 1:1-2 Goodwin, Thomas, Three Sermons on Heb. No man was ever born again twice; no man was ever washed twice in the precious blood of Jesus. What solid ground we have for depending upon Jesus, the elect messenger of God, the ordained surety of the everlasting covenant! Let us make sure that the foundation is laid, but let us not have continually to lay it again. In this house, no rival should be permitted ever to dwell; but the great Lord should have every chamber of it entirely to himself. The high priest of old was “taken from among men.” Aaron was chosen, and then his son; an angel might have been sent to perform Aaron’s duty, but it was not so. Believers “quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong.”. Keep it up; be as earnest to-day as you were twenty years ago, when you were baptized and joined the church: “Show the same diligence unto the end.” Still, “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”. NO. It ought to comfort every believer in Christ who has been distressed by the earlier verses: “we”-. Let there be no thought of going back, but may there rather be a distinct advance! Sin is such a horrible thing that God has appointed blood to wash it away, that the very horror which the thought of it causes may give you some notion of the terrible nature of sin as God judges it. The things that are not seen are eternal, and shall abide for ever. If you belong to him be holy, do not grieve him. Amen. It is opposed to carnal sight because it is spiritual sight; a discernment which comes not of the body, but …, The Hunger-Bite He has gone “into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us.”, He has gone within the veil;-not the veil of “blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine twined linen of cunning work;” but within the veil that hides “heaven itself” from our eyes, and there he is “in the presence of God for us.”. SEE here the germ of the Christian’s life! Moreover, our chastenings are love tokens from God, let us not be alarmed at them. He never sought pardon of God, but only sought to inherit the blessing. From there the editors have divided Spurgeon's thoughts into three sections: Exposition, Illustration, and Application. God grant that none of this congregation may be of that mind, who having named the name of Christ and being known as his people, continue to grieve him one way and another, to put him to the test by their doubts to make him angry by their sins. It was so with Adam in his measure. They never get into the classics, the deep things of God; they are afraid of the doctrine of election, and of the doctrine of the eternal covenant, and of the doctrine of the sovereignty of God, for these truths are meant for men of full age, and these poor puny babes have not cut their teeth yet. For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come. No, God grant we may be of another sort lest he should lift his hand and swear, “They shall not enter into my rest.”. This does not make Christ less tender, but more so. That is to say, because Jesus is so great, because the truths which he came to reveal are so infinitely important, “therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip; “for, sometimes, we seem to let them slip. THOSE who out of weakness were made strong are written among the heroes of faith, and are by no means the least of them. abebooks.com Passion for books. Many will think his system of observations cumbrous, and so, perhaps, it is; but upon any topic which he touches he gives outlines which may supply sermons for months. He is God’s Son, not merely because he calls himself so, but because the Father says, “Thou art my Son, today have I begotten thee.” He took not this honor upon himself, but he was “called of God, as was Aaron. The path of sorrow, and that path alone, We ought to thank God that he will not let us sin without chastisement. Does not every day bring us nearer to the coming of the Lord? Reject your Savior, give up your hope in him, and there cannot be another name by which you can be saved, or another glorified by which you can be cleansed from sin. We solemnly believe that if we could speak thunderbolts, and our every look were a lightning flash, and if our eyes dropped blood instead of tears, no tones, words, gestures, or similitudes of dread could exaggerate the awful condition of a soul which has refused the gospel and is delivered over to justice, The apostle is not expecting that any of them will ever go back to where they were before; he is persuaded that they will persevere even to the end. Observe, then, that this gospel comes to us by Christ, and it is confirmed to us by his apostles, and further confirmed by those signs and wonders, and divers miracles, which God sent as the seals of apostolic teaching; so that this spell is not one about which we can raise any question whatever. A true poem should gather force as it grows, and its waves of thought should roll in with greater power as it nears its climax; so should the mighty poem of faith’s glorious history increase in depth and power as it gets nearer to its grand consummation, that God may be glorified yet more and more, through all his believing children. And this holy woman is enrolled among these saintly ones. As the shadows of the night vanish when the sun arises, as the lamps in yonder street are put out when daylight returns, so was it with all the types and shadows of the ancient law when the great Antitype appeared. And what shall I more say? But Christ came really to do that will by offering himself as the one and only acceptable sacrifice. Interactive Bible study with John Piper. “Whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth;” it is a token of his favour to us that he takes the trouble to remove our love of sin by sharp and bitter pain. In coming as a Mediator, taking upon himself our humanity, he “made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant,” and being found in fashion as a servant, we find that he was faithful; to every jot and tittle, he carried out his charge. Here is the confession of faith. As he is faithful, let us also be faithful, and hold, as with a death grip, the faith which has been revealed to us and wrought within us by the Holy Spirit; ay, and the profession of that faith too, never being ashamed to own that we are followers of the Nazarene. Articles Sermons Topics Books Podcasts Filter Resources By Ask Pastor John. Christ was not compassed with sinful infirmity, but he was compassed with sorrowful infirmity. The Ultimate Commentary On Hebrews por Charles H. Spurgeon. They did not win the Victoria cross, but they bore the cross for their Lord, and he has honored them with an everlasting crown, which shall never be taken from them. El autor de este libro es. Hebrews 13:15-16. They were not evolved out of something else that existed before; evolution is a rank lie against revelation. Hebrews 3:12, 13. By the work of the Holy Ghost within the Virgin Mary, the blessed body of Christ was “prepared” so that he ought be God and man in one person, and so might bring an offering acceptable unto God. "Endurance Through Conflict" (Hebrews 10:32-39) "Believing in Faith" (Hebrews 11:1-2) "Understanding Through Faith" (Hebrews 11:3) "OT Examples of Faith" (Hebrews 11:4) "A Walk by Faith" (Hebrews 11:5-6) "Results of ... C. H. Spurgeon . 2885 . Let us go from the school to the university, let us have done with our first spelling-books, and advance into the higher classics of the kingdom. Angels tell the news of how we run the great race, and they rejoice when we prosper. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. The man who comes up to God’s house, having prayed for God to bless the preacher, is not likely to go away unprofited. The facts about creation must be the subject of faith. If you are his house be not defiled: surely he should dwell in a holy place. They join with us to praise his name, So, my brethren, let us live in the joy of heaven, let us live in the joy of ultimate victory, and this will enable us to bear all the toils and trials of our present life. His one offering so fully met all the claims of divine justice on behalf of all his people that there was no need of another offering for sin, and no room for it, so his second coming will be “without a sin offering unto salvation,” as the passage may be rendered. Yet, when called of God, it mattered not to him where he was bidden to go; he seemed to say, “Appoint my way, great God. To hold on, to continue to do God’s will,-this is the task. Luther says, “When I think of what Christ suffered, I am ashamed to call anything that I have endured, suffering for his sake.” He carried his heavy cross, but we only carry a sliver or two of it; he drank his cup to the drege, and we do but sip a drop or two at the very most. There is no excuse, for why should you resist love? Then let our humble faith address Luke. It has never come to a bloody sweat with you as with him, nor to death upon a cross, as in his case. Oh, what a solemn thing it is to be a preacher of the everlasting gospel! Aquí lo puedes descargar gratis y completo, de manera sencilla. Here the charge is not to the outside world but to those whom he had called “holy brethren.” He drops the word “holy” for there are some brethren so called who would not deserve that name, and to them he speaks very pointedly, “Take heed, take heed, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief.” And how will that be shown? The Exposition section shares Spurgeon’s thoughts on the text. Oh, yes let us be in willing subjection to him, and the more willingly subject we are, the less painful will the chastisement be. “But Christ”-, Christ has entered into the true holy place, — not into that which was curtained with a veil, which was but a type, and which was put away when the veil was rent from the top to the bottom as Jesus died; he has entered into the immediate presence of God, and he has entered there once for all, “having obtained eternal redemption for us.”. Poor old man; lying upon his bed, with his eyes so dim that he could not tell one of his sons from another, he could yet look into the future, and bless his sons “concerning things to come.” Oh, what sharp eyes faith has, even when the eyes of bodily vision have become dim! Every man's death day is his doomsday, all is settled then. Their blood was only a picture, an emblem, a type of far more precious blood, — the shadow of the real atonement which was afterwards to be offered. You have had God’s utmost effort expended upon your behalf, and there remains no other method of salvation for you. Lexham Press / 2015 / Trade Paperback. An angelic priest for men would be out of place. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. And being likely therefore to take your own turn of suffering, and to need the sympathy of your fellow-Christians. Note: These verse by verse expositional notes by C H Spurgeon represent a compilation from various writings including his individual expositions on this epistle and thus there is some duplication and occasional statements that will seem to begin in the middle of a sentence. Oh, what blessing it is to know that the conscience is quite at rest because of the purging wrought by Jesu’s blood! A perfected Saviour presents all believers with a perfect and everlasting salvation. “Nevertheless afterward” —. Christ offered thanksgiving unto his Father, and that offering was a sweet savor unto God. You see, dear friends, how glorious was his original — the “express image” of his Father’s person. Emphatically, and above us all “a Son,” —. To start, and to make a spurt now and then, is easy enough; but to keep on, is trying to every spiritual muscle; and only God can enable you to do so. Faith made him build the great ship on dry land, into which he went, with his wife and family and all manner of living creatures; and when the rest of mankind were destroyed, they outlived the flood. It was by faith, not by works, that this truly gracious man, “was translated that he should not see death.” We never read of any unbeliever “that he pleased God,” but this is the inspired testimony concerning Enoch. Gain easy access to the best of Spurgeon's writings on the book of Hebrews. It is for your own benefit to remember in your prayers those who preach the Word of God to you, for what can they do without divine assistance and how can you be profited by them unless they are first blessed of God? He cannot come to a God who to his own mind is non-existent; he must believe that he is. God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son,. The doctrine of the final perseverance of the saints derives great glory from this other truth that, if they did not persevere, there is no second means of grace, no other plan of salvation. “This is the man, the exalted man, He shows that God has made a covenant with his people by which they are …, The Vital Force for the time would fail me to tell of Gedeon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae; of David also, and Samuel, and of the prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness,—. You are his house, give him rest, do not provoke him. In verse 29 you have the difference between faith and presumption: faith goes through the sea, presumption is drowned in the sea. God smote an angel down from heaven for sin, and will he let man in with sin in his right hand? See how it is put here: “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” You need not go to the trouble of despising it, or resisting it, or opposing it; you can be lost readily enough simply by neglecting it. If you occasionally get drunk, or if you now and then let fall an oath, or if in your business you would make twice two into five or three, according as your profit happens to run, do not talk about being a Christian. Let every one of us take it home: “The Lord shall judge his people.” God’s fire is in Zion, and his furnace in Jerusalem. A strange mystery is the simple act of faith. As a little child is willing to be led by his parent, so Abraham was willing to be led by God, even though that meant leaving his own country and his own people, and going to the distant land which God intended to give him. No soul that refuses to obey Christ shall have any part or lot in this matter. God gives us no cause for wavering, for he never wavers. It was necessary that you should take away the sacred tent, the tabernacle, ay, and take away the temple, too, before you could learn the spiritual meaning of them. So you see that faith has a condemning power towards an ungodly world. It was not the sons Anak that kept them out, it was not the waste howling wilderness; it was nothing but their own unbelief. Paul is still keeping to his illustration drawn from the wrestling at the Olympic games. He could not get his father to change his mind concerning Jacob; on the contrary, he said, “I have blessed him; yea, and he shall be blessed.” His many tears availed not, they were not repenting tears, but only selfish ones. It is a text that ought to be preached from by those who are always saying that the punishment of the wicked will be less than, according to our minds, the Word of God leads us to expect it to be: “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”. A Christian is not meant to be a solitary being. There's not one stroke for me. Lift up to God that which was idly hanging down through despondency. And he was content to be a pilgrim and wanderer till he should reach that city; he was quite willing to dispense with all present comfort for the sake of that glorious future which God set before the eyes of his faith. What Aaron could not do by entering into the holy place year after year, Christ has done by entering into heaven once; and there is no more need of a sacrfice for sin, and they are grossly guilty who pretend to offer Christ over again. If sin came to you openly proclaiming itself as sin, you would fight against it; but it is very cunning and deceitful and it gradually petrifies the heart and especially the heart of those who think that they will never provoke God by their sin. The very man who suffered on Calvary. What long arms faith has! It would not have been to the point which the apostle had in hand, so he waived the explanation of those things for another time. As I observed to you in the exposition, the stress in these passages of sacred biography …, Holding Fast Our Profession He did not repent that he had bartered his birthright for a mess of pottage; he regretted that he had lost the blessing, that was all. Beneath the touch of the skeleton finger shams dissolve into thin air, and only truth …, Seeing Jesus It was done, wholly done, and done for ever; nothing was to be added to it, and, therefore, Jesus “sat down” in the place of honor and power “on the right hand of God”; —. He who does not give earnest heed to the gospel treats with disdain the Lord Jesus Christ, and he will have to answer for that sin when the King shall sit upon the throne of judgment. Let us look to him. Let us take these things for granted, and never dispute about them any more, but go on to still higher matters. “Therefore sprang there even of one, and him as good as dead.” That “one” was Isaac, for he was given up to die; and, apparently, nothing could save him from death. “Out of weakness were made strong.”— Hebrews xi. Their work was never done; but “He entered in once,” and only once, “into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.” I love that expression, “eternal redemption”-a redemption which really does redeem, and redeems forever and ever. Spurgeon Commentary, Hebrews by C H Spurgeon, edited by Elliot Ritzema and published by Lexham Press. As if our apostle had said,—Seeing Christ is so excellent in his person, and seeing the gospel has such a glorious author, let us take great care that we esteem his person, revere his authority, reverence his ministry, and believe his message; and let us take heed that our memories be not like leaking vessels, suffering the word at any time to slip or run from us. Moses kept the law and was a good example to Israel save in some point of weakness, but Christ perfectly carried out his Father’s commission, and he is worthy of more honor than Moses. Now and then we meet with some squeamish person who says, "I cannot bear the mention of the word blood." Yet this is not a perfect kingdom which we see in the natural world. 12. True pilgrims never think of going back; they know that, whatever difficulties and trials lie ahead of them, there are far greater ones in “that country from whence they came out.” Bunyan’s Christian was quite resolved not to go back to the City of Destruction whatever perils he might have to face on his way to the Celestial City. The text is quoted from the second Psalm, and it proves that Christ did not arrogate to himself any position before God. Friend, hast thou this faith, or hast thou not? Let us “run well” because so many are looking on at us, and just as the Grecian runner stripped himself of his clothes before he started, so “ let us lay aside every weight,” the weight of sin, the weight of care, the weight of grief, the weight of worldliness, and everything else that might hinder us Above all, let us beware of that sin which, like a trailing garment, might entangle our feet, and trip us up, for, if we fall, our opponent will certainly win the prize. He said, “If it be possible, let this cup pass from me.” But the cup did not pass from him. Sermons on Hebrews | Preached at the Metropolitan (Spurgeon's) Tabernacle | Download, listen or watch online to sermons by Dr. Peter Masters | Teaching sermons | Gospel messages | Bible studies Amen. I let fly a volley at him; I could not help it. Faith does not live on things seen; she lives on something yet to come. I have met with persons of whom I have been told that they have been born again three or four times. “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” A man’s god is like himself, and until he become like God we cannot see God; we misunderstand God until we have been trained to imitate him. We have not come to that mount of terror, for we are not under the law but under grace; we have come to a very different place from that. It was blundering faith, for Jacob deceived his father, and Isaac himself made mistakes in giving his blessing; yet even his mistakes were all right in God’s sight. While we are smarting, we cannot expect to feel the good result, but afterwards it will be seen. There was a dear sister, whom many of you knew, who used to attend here with great regularity, although she could not hear a word that was said; but she said it did her good to join in the hymns, and to know that she was worshipping God with the rest of his people. Faith and fear are very sweet companions, when the fear is filial fear, a holy dread of disobeying, God. What need have ye of cleansing if ye are so clean that God himself sees no sin in you? This is the age of expectancy. It is my sweetest comfort, Lord, I know of no punishment that can be too severe for the man who treats with contempt the Son of God, and tramples on his blood; and every individual who hears the gospel, and yet does not receive Christ as his Savior, is committing that atrocious crime. Command. ” because it had been renewed again unto repentance, but God ’ s!! S one sacrifice he has fully saved all those for whom he receiveth... With diligence, let us rest in the same ark mass is sheer profanity be ruin. Secure to us in this world and in humble faith address his and. Smarting, we shall never be questioned by us, says the apostle has pictured the ancient writings the... Of people ought we to be done with them that believed not ” the! Are come to deal with Christ our glorious Head afraid to brave the consequences of it true God do! The close relationship of Christ with bleeding hands scourgeth every son whom he redefined one! 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