Dracaena warnekii, like all dracaenas, are hardy, slow-growing plants that thrive on neglect. Peperomia Puteolata is an attractive plant that loves medium to bright indirect light and a warm position. Mother-In-Law’s Tongue are easy to care for and they don’t need to be watered too often. is another beautiful indoor plant with colorful stripy leaves. They're used to growing beneath a canopy of trees on the jungle floor and are therefore adapted to brief dapples of sunlight instead of constant harsh rays. They have spectacular large flowers that are actually modified leaves called bracts. Calathea are also surprisingly picky when it comes to the type of water they receive and are known to be sensitive to several minerals typically found in most tap waters, which can cause their leaves to yellow. This requires adequate water and lots of diffused natural light. Read More. There are many different stripy houseplants to choose from including some that are perfect for beginner gardeners. In this technique, a leaf will be snipped off just below its petiole and will be placed in a pot to root. While it may seem counterintuitive for a plant that is considered tropical, calathea plants actually prefer filtered, indirect light or shade. Happily growing in partial sunlight, the croton plants indoors can make a bold statement in your house. The leaves are more or less lance-shaped, arranged in two ranks on the reed-like pseudo-stems. Plants With Green & White Strips. Leaf cuttings are often done for plants such as the lucky-heart. These plant rarely flower in cultivation. Jan 02, 21 04:54 PM. Calathea likes a well-lit spot, away from direct sunlight and their leaves should be misted during hot, dry weather. *** Current stock is approximately 30% less bushy than photographed *** Keep your calathea away from any cold drafts and up the surrounding humidity as much as you can, either by selecting a spot in your home that's naturally more humid (like a bathroom or kitchen) or by placing a humidifier nearby. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Spider plants have long green and white stripy leaves and get their name from the new offshoots that hang down from the plant, like little baby spiders. Additionally, calathea plants prefer slightly acidic soil, thriving best in an environment with a pH of around 6.5. These plants are ideal for adding some color and interest to your houseplant collection. Calathea, also known as Zebra plant or Peacock plant is one of the most popular striped houseplants. I love the colours. They’re fairly easy to care for but they need plenty of water, humidity and indirect light. Ti plants have brightly colored striped leaves in a range of colors including pink, purple, red, brown and green. I have boards dedicated to Houseplants and Indoor Gardens that you may enjoy. Bromeliads are another popular indoor plant that loves humidity. There are over 300 species of calathea found in nature, many boasting different eye-catching leaf patterns, coloring, and veining, along with some exotic tropical blooms. Silver inch plants are super-easy to care for; quick growing and a very decorative, particularly in hanging baskets where its brilliant foliage can be fully appreciated. Indoor Azalea Care Tips: How to Grow, Water, Prune this Florist Plant. Plants with green and white striped foliage can add contrast to a sunny garden or brighten a shady area. Jan 2, 2021 - Learn to Identify your indoor house plants so you can give them the care they need to grow well. It has a great architectural look that will fit any decorating scenario. Leopard Plant In addition to being popular house plants, calathea can also be found planted ornamentally outdoors in tropical environments like Hawaii or southern Florida. Also called sweetheart vine, rosary vine, or chain … Depending on your home environment, this could mean watering your calathea plant every few days, once a week or once every other week—the most important rule of thumb is to never let the soil dry out. It roots easily from cuttings. 14. Indoor plants are great for creating a more welcoming room in your house. Watering Ti plants with tap water that contains fluoride can cause the leaves to turn brown, so it’s best to use bottled, filtered or rain water to water them. In this part of the site, you can identify trees, shrubs or perennials by the shape or color of their leaves. They’re low maintenance indoor plants that will tolerate a range of different conditions and they’re perfect for anyone that is new to gardening. Croton tops the list of colorful houseplants due to its multicolor leaves, beautifully lined with blotches and stripes. White Bat Flower. Native to Brazil and grown indoors year-round, calathea are true tropicals in every sense of the word, gaining a reputation for being somewhat fussy about their grow conditions. Hand assembled of plastic and polyester over a wire center. Spider Plant. Aloe plants. ... worth the work for their gorgeous striped leaves. Jun 28, 2018 - Tropical indoor plants for interior landscaping and purifying the air. Mother-In-Law’s Tongue, also known as Snake plant, is a type of succulent that has long, spiky leaves. A close relative of the fiddle leaf fig tree, rubber plant (Ficus elastica) can have deep green, burgundy, or even white-striped leaves. ZZ plant Herbaceous perennial Rounding out the Top 10 list is a staff favorite, Easy ZZ, nicknamed because ZZ is used in so many places around the Garden and has performed well in all of them, indoor and out. Colors range from … Silver inch plant (Tradescantia zebrine) This trailing plant, also known as a 'Zebra plant', has beautiful purple and green striped foliage with an iridescent surface. House Plants Identification Pictures Birds Nest Fern. Keep moist but not too wet. A fun new addition is a cultivar called ‘Raven.’ I've been gardening most of my life and I created this blog to inspire beginner gardeners to create their own urban garden. Includes approximately 7 leaves/stems. Slow growing and rarely more than 6-8 inches in height, this is an ideal small indoor plant to squeeze into tiny nooks. The Dwarf Schefflera is another attractive house plant famous for its hardiness to various growing conditions. A lovely trailing Peperomia with almond shaped striped leaves. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. It’s a beautiful indoor plant that grows best in warm, humid conditions. While some varieties are dwarf, its thick, stiff, upright leaves that are striped or patterned are unmistakable. It thrives well in day-long indirect sunlight and warm temperatures. While leaf cuttings can in fact form a new plant, this process tends to take much longer than stem cuttings or layering. Plant identification by their leaves. The most common varietals typically seen as houseplants include: Jon VanZile is a Master Gardener and the author of "Houseplants for a Healthy Home. The tree-like Philodendron can grow up to 3 ft. (1 m) and have a spread of around 6 ft. (2 m) outdoors. In the 1900s, the milky sap from this plant was used to make rubber, helping it earn its common name. See more ideas about houseplants, plants, house plants. The leaves can fade in low light environments. Apr 12, 2017 - Explore Susan Jansen's board "Variegated Houseplants", followed by 128 people on Pinterest. Croton plants like lots of bright light, warmth, humidity and regular misting, especially during hot weather. They don’t like being moved around too much and they sometimes lose their leaves after they’re moved. Dracena, also known as Dragon plants or Corn plants, have long green leaves with yellow stripes. Aloe plants are a so-called succulent. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, Zebra plant, rattlesnake plant, peacock plant. 5. Jan 01, 21 02:31 PM. Privacy Policy      Disclosure      Comment Policy. Be sure to plant your calathea in a pot with drainage holes at its base; although it likes moist soil, it is still susceptible to root rot if it becomes waterlogged. The unforgettably named Mother-in-Law Tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata) is also known as Snake Plant and is a member of the Agave family. Hi, I'm Kelly Martin. Please read the disclosure for more info. Are you on Pinterest? We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on this website. String-of-hearts is another indoor trailing plant with dainty thread-like stems and heart-shaped leaves. Wandering Jew is another beautiful indoor plant with colorful stripy leaves. This plant grows 6 to 12 inches tall, but trails across the ground in a prostrate form. For the best results (and a luscious, full plant), treat your calathea once a month with a liquid fertilizer at half-strength throughout the spring, summer, and fall, tapering off in the winter months when it naturally grows less. This is just a sampler of variegata plant types, so email with specific lists. It’s a trailing plant, so it’s ideal for a hanging planter, or placed on top of a bookcase or shelf. This post contains affiliate links. Balmy temperatures are your best bet when it comes to keeping your calathea happy. Also called the Winterbourn, the cultivar grows in dense clumps. The good news: You don't have to call a greenhouse or glass atrium home in order to care for one of these tropical beauties. They can be a bit tricky for beginner gardeners because they’re sensitive to cold, drafts and fluctuations in temperature. I didn’t know that’s what it’s called! I have a spider plant at home. As long as you take care to mimic the balmy temps, moisture-packed air, and shady environment calathea love, they can thrive in nearly any household. Choose a spot in your home that's consistently toasty—calathea thrive when kept at temperatures ranging from 70 degrees Fahrenheit to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, but can tolerate a drop down to 60 degrees Fahrenheit (but no lower). To avoid this, water your calathea with filtered water, rainwater, or allow your tap water to sit out overnight so that any chlorine or fluoride present can evaporate. They can tolerate low light conditions, so they’re perfect for rooms that don’t get a lot of natural light. The monstera is often mistaken for the split-leaf philodendron. 3. This means the plant has parts that are thickened and fleshy, making it possible for them to retain water in arid climates or soil conditions. The leaves can fade in low light environments. The lowest-light tolerant plant I know is cast iron plant (Aspidistra). Cordyline needs a warm, draft-free location, rich, well-drained high-quality potting mix … Image Credit: Buy Rare Seeds It’s a trailing plant, so it’s ideal for a hanging planter, or placed on top of a bookcase or shelf. The genus calathea includes some of the most beautiful tropical plants in the world, characterized by boldly marked, oblong leaves in a dazzling array of colors. Houseplants with striped foliage are an attractive addition to indoor gardens. We asked self-confessed plant nerd and co-founder of indoor plant delivery service Leaf Supply, ... suitably known as the peacock plant. 8. I’ve had it for years. Tip: Petra croton is an ideal variety for indoors, as it can stay in low light also. There are many species in the Calathea plant family, but one of the most popular is the Calathea zebra plant (Calathea zebrina).Often confused with the prayer plant (Maranta leucoreura) or the similarly named Aphelandra zebra plant (Aphelandra squarrosa), the Calathea zebra plant grows much larger than either and can easily become the showpiece of any indoor garden. Peperomia caperata Indoor Plant Care. Split Leaf (Monstera deliciosa) This robust, easy-to-grow tropical indoor plant can grow up to nine feet. After your plant flowers, you'll have a year or two to keep it healthy and encourage it to produce new plants called pups. Each indoor house plant's picture is linked to a page with how to care for the indoor house plants. Wandering Jew. The flowers are small and pink or white; however, the foliage is the main attraction of this plant. Here are a few tips on great indoor plant types that add colour, freshen the air and are very easy to take care of. Pothos is a popular indoor plant option. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. Don’t forget to pin this post so you can come back to it later. They grow best in humid conditions with lots of moisture, so they’re ideal plants for closed terrariums or bathrooms. Due to the plant's eye-catching stripes and veining, they're often known by nicknames such as the zebra plant, peacock plant, or rattlesnake plant. Light: Medium to bright indirect light Size: Up to six to 10 feet indoors; up to 100 feet outdoors. So there are 10 beautiful indoor plants with striped leaves. There are many different types of bromeliads including some with striped leaves. The foliage is striped or variegated, depending on the variety and displays bright shades of green, red, orange, yellow and burgundy. Bromeliad flowers are absolutely stunning, but they also signal the end of the plant's life. Its oval foliage is as large fiddle leaf fig and has beautiful stripes of silver and green color. As a tropical indoor plant, … However, once those conditions are maintained, these tropicals will thrive and grow rather quickly, often reaching a mature size of one to two feet tall in a year. These movements are known as nyctinasty and are thought to follow the sun's movement in the sky in an attempt to maximize light absorbancy in the wild. Unfortunately Dracena plants are toxic for dogs and cats, so it’s not a good idea to have them in your home if you have pets inside. Peperomia caperata is a compact houseplant with heart-shaped, deeply ridged leaves. Tradescantia can be used outdoors in zones 9 to 11 and indoors anywhere. They’re native to subtropical areas so they grow best in warm humid climates. The calathea is one thirsty plant and does best when watered regularly in order to maintain a consistently moist (but not soggy) soil. ", The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. I really like some of the other plants you’ve mentioned as well, especially the croton. Beat the winter blues by bringing the beauty of Mother Nature inside with houseplants. Supplied in a 14cm grey plastic nursery pot with drainage. The genus calathea includes some of the most beautiful tropical plants in the world, characterized by boldly marked, oblong leaves in a dazzling array of colors. Here are 10 beautiful indoor plants with striped leaves. This lush green plant can grow into a large and bushy plant and can tolerate over watering, dry spell and low lights. A peaty potting mixture that is lightweight and airy works best, as does any specialty mix geared towards African violets. By using The Spruce, you accept our, How to Grow Japanese Aralia (Fatsia Japonica) Indoors. It has beautiful striped foliage in a range of colors including yellow, pink, orange, red and green. If you notice the edges of your calathea's leaves are browning or withering, that's a sure sign that you need to up your watering cadence. The Devil cares for his own . You can also find me on Facebook. The difference is the yellow-green stripe running along the leaf margins. Bromeliads thrive in well-lit rooms, but direct sunlight can burn the leaves. A real stand-out succulent, the striped appearance of the Zebra Haworthia looks fantastic. Dracaena Art Carmen Plant Care. Other than being a colorful decoration, indoor plants can also purify the air, improve your health, and help increase your focus. Due to the plant's eye-catching stripes and veining, they're often known by nicknames such as the zebra plant, peacock plant, or rattlesnake plant. Wandering Jew plants need lots of bright, indirect light to keep their colors bright. Nerve plants are small tropical plants with dark green foliage and white or pink stripes that look like veins running through the leaves. Some of our favorite varieties include ripple peperomia, watermelon peperomia, baby rubber plant, and silverleaf peperomia. Peperomias are a diverse group of small, easy-care houseplants with waxy and often highly textured leaves. Variegation in plant leaves and foliage, stock photography of leaf in green and white, green and gold, yellow and green, red and gold, even tricolor color combinations, perennials, annuals, shrubs, flowers, trees, bulbs, etc. Calathea have a reputation as greenhouse plants, and it's easy to see why. See more ideas about indoor plants, plants, foliage plants. Croton has always been one of my favorite houseplants. Why We Love It: Its waxy, colorful foliage adds a splash of color in any room—without taking up a lot of space. Terrariums are also a great option given their naturally humid conditions—you'll just need to find one large enough to host calathea's sprawling leaves. Wandering Jew plants need lots of bright, indirect light to keep their colors bright. I love this plant due to the contract it provides when planted with other succulents and cacti. They’re a tropical plant, so they thrive in humid conditions and they need bright, indirect light. Our Faux Striped Leaf Houseplant is made to look farmers-market fresh, without any of the fuss. Look out for striped or spotted variations for added interest. By providing your plant with a good environment and the correct amount of water and nutrients, you can make sure that your indoor plant stays alive. When watering Wandering Jews, it’s best not to water right into the crown as it can cause the plant to rot. They're highly sensitive to chilly temperatures and grow best when kept in the warm, humid environment greenhouses often provide. [1]. These bold and colorful foliage plants are available in a wide array of leaf colors, and with proper care, can provide a dramatic accent. It is growing up to 50cm (20 inch) tall indoor and has green pale, 20cm (8 inch) long leaves edged and banded from the centre to the margin with cream or white stripes. No problem. African mask plants are toxic so it’s best to keep them away from small children and pets. Nerve plants only grow to about 6 inches (15 centimetres) tall, so they’re perfect for small homes and apartments. Dracena plants can also be grown outside the tropics but they need bright, indirect light and regular misting. African mask plants have dark green leaves with white or green stripy veins. 12. It is also known as the Ti tree or HawaiianTi tree. Calathea orbifolia is not as popular as the houseplants above, but it surely deserves to be in this list of tall indoor plants with big leaves. Choose from the large leafed Fiddle Leaf Ficus lyrata, glossy Rubber Plants and vibrant patterned Calathea. A beautiful groundcover with purple and olive green striped foliage is Tradescantia, sometimes called wandering Jew. This large leaf Philodendron has split leaves with deep lobes. You may also notice the leaves of your calathea move throughout the day, often folding upwards at night and opening wider in the morning. The leaves have horizontal green stripes and some varieties have yellow stripes along the outside edges. No green thumb? The plant is a great accent indoors for home and office. Add a rainforest vibe with the green variegation of Aglaonema, Alocasia and Dieffenbachia or the easy care Dracaena dragon trees. In fact, it's best to keep your calathea plants out of direct sunlight, as too much light can burn the leaves and cause their vibrant patterns to fade. I'm passionate about gardening and horticulture and I love growing just about everything including herbs, vegetables, flowers, succulents and indoor plants. Purchase this plant. Moisture is of utmost importance to a calathea plant, so opt for a soil blend that retains water well. Find out how to grow, when to water, and what to do about leaf drop. Plants like lots of bright, indirect light cuttings are often done for plants such as Ti. Process tends to take much longer than stem cuttings or layering blog to inspire beginner gardeners to their! Dedicated to houseplants and indoor gardens that you may enjoy running through the leaves with! A bit tricky for beginner gardeners because they ’ re sensitive to cold, drafts and in... In fact form a new plant, so they ’ re ideal for... Process tends to take much longer than stem cuttings or layering only grow to about 6 inches 15! Heart-Shaped leaves use this site we will assume that you may enjoy is also as... 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